EANGUS New Patriot – Summer 2019 Edition

    Features: President’s Communique Auxiliary’s Side by Side From the Executive Director Junior Enlisted Corner Membership Executive Council Washington Watch “The Fearsome Foursome” Higher Education Awards Conference Review Patriot Quarters Air National Guard Information We Care for America Helpful Resources: Dod to begin major phase of military hospital consolidation Save the Dates

Iranian Hackers targeting Veteran Job Seekers

National Guard Advisory:  AD-19-21 Iranian Hackers Target US Military Personnel The above link is to an advisory from the National Guard Bureau, sharing information about a job seeking website that will install malicious software onto a visitor’s device. National Guard members looking for job placement assistance should visit our Corporate Partner (who specifically helps National

NEW EPISODE: History of Streaking: Coffee with Congressman Denver Riggleman

Earlier this month we announced our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with politics at all!  In our latest episode, we sit down with Congressman Denver Riggleman! Growing up in Virginia and having served in the

Making Your Voice Heard on The Hill

Today, we are excited to announce that we have been invited to come before Congress and offer testimony to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs (HVAC). We are honored to have this opportunity to give our expert insight on the unique issues that face the National Guard, and the Reserve Component of the armed forces


On our latest EANGUS Podcast episode, Frank Yoakum, Executive Director and Scott Bousum, Legislative Director discussed the 2019 EANGUS National Conference highlights. Frank and Scott covered newly ratified resolutions, updated listeners about the National Defense Authorization Act, and Frank discussed his most recent experience interacting with attendees of the SGM Development Program in Fort Leavenworth,