June 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

FY18 Budget On Tuesday, May 23, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) budget to Congress. Already, Congressional leaders from both parties have expressed displeasure with the budget proposal. Republican leaders do not feel that the Department of Defense (DOD) is funded to the appropriate level considering current global threats and the lack of

Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017

Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017 2017 House NGRCC Breakfast On Wednesday, March 8, The House of Representatives’ National Guard and Reserve Component Caucus held its annual breakfast in the Rayburn House Office Building. Caucus Co-Chairs Representative Steven Palazzo (R-MS) and Representative Tim Walz (D-MN) hosted the event. The lack of benefits associated with 12304b

Drill Weekend Talking Points: March 2017

Drill Weekend Talking Points: March 2017   Update From Washington The 115th Congress is in full swing. The Democrat Caucus and Republican Conference conducted their retreats in January, new and returning members jostled for committee, and subcommittee, assignments and congress.gov is becoming populated with new legislative proposals. On the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, President

Drill Weekend Talking Points: February 2017

Drill Weekend Talking Points February 2017 2017 Legislative Workshop The EANGUS National Office is excited to host members from all around the country for the 2017 Legislative Workshop. We have a great event planned for this year to include guest speakers, receptions, and breakout sessions. We have something planned for everyone: first timers and long-time

Update: House-passed NDAA

Update: House-passed NDAA   The conference report on the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 is published and on its way to becoming law. The House of Representatives approved it on Friday, December 2nd, passing the annual defense policy measure overwhelmingly by a vote of 375 to 34, a veto-proof margin. The Senate will take

Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016

Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016 Overview and Analysis of S. 2943 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 Conference Report Summary S. 2943 Conference Report (full report) Conference Committee’s Joint Explanatory Statement EANGUS Wins Maximum reimbursement amount for travel expenses of members of the Reserves attending inactive duty training outside of normal