Guard Suicides Up in Latest Report

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” Statistically, we will see 90+ of our Brothers and Sisters in Arms make the wrong decision in the upcoming year.  Take some time this UTA and be

TRICARE Pharmacy Copays Change February 1, 2016

From: Military pharmacies and TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery will remain the lowest cost pharmacy option for TRICARE beneficiaries when some TRICARE pharmacy copays change in 2016. On Feb 1, 2016, most copays for prescription drugs at Home Delivery and retail network pharmacies will increase slightly. The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requires TRICARE

2016 Roll Call Wrap-Up Talking Points

ROLL CALL WRAP-UP TALKING POINTS Every month, EANGUS creates a Roll Call Wrap-Up that lists several talking points that Unit Leaders can use to explain what EANGUS and their State Associations are doing on the Service Member’s behalf.  These talking points, used in conjunction with some Soldier and Airman leadership skills should assist the State

TRICARE Reserve Select

TRICARE Reserve Select is: A premium-based plan Available worldwide For qualified Selected Reserve members and their families If purchased, TRICARE Reserve Select meets or exceeds the requirements for minimum essential coverageThe Affordable Care Act requires you to maintain basic health care coverage—called minimum essential coverage. If you don’t have minimum essential coverage, you may have to pay a

2016 BAH Rates Announced

From the Defense Travel Management Office: The Department of Defense has released the 2016 Basic Allowance for Housing rates. Basic Allowance for Housing rates will increase an average of 3.4 percent when the new rates take effect on January 1, 2016. An estimated $21 billion will be paid to approximately one million Service members. On