EANGUS is Reviewing the Final Report from the NCFA

indexWASHINGTON (Jan 28, 2015) – The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States has received the Final Report from the National Commission on the Future of the Army and is reviewing their findings.  While their recommendations are not binding, the report is the result of efforts by the Commission to listen to the concerns of the Army National Guard and keep an open mind.

EANGUS will remain engaged on this issue as all of the stakeholders work to come together and move America’s Army forward as a Total Force.  This will not be an easy process, as fiscal and political constraints abound.   We have an obligation to ensure that we move in a manner that protects the nation while at the same time guarantees the states adequate capabilities for their unique mission sets, in terms of both equipment and end strength.

We will provide additional information once we have had a chance to thoroughly review the report and understand its implications.  As our membership develops their own insights, we encourage any and all feedback be sent to eangus@eangus.org.