Legislative Update 2016-02

Converting Title 32 Technicians to Title 5 Civilian Employees [Updated & Corrected]

A controversial provision included in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act is causing some angst in the National Guard community, in the Nation’s Capital. Section 1053, Management of Military Technicians asks the Secretary of Defense for a report due out soon and in the report,

The Secretary of Defense shall convert not fewer than 20 percent of the dual-status military technician positions in general administration, clerical, and financial occupations to positions filled by federal civilian employees under Title 5 (5 USC 3101)

Congressional staff are concerned about technicians being involuntarily separated from the National Guard from having their appeals process overseen by the same TAG. Originally, Congressional staff wanted all dual-status technician positions in general administration, clerical, and financial occupations to be converted to Title 5 but there was initial pushback from converting all positions at once. Labor Unions are in favor of this legislation because it grants appeal rights in the event of dismissal, and Title 5 employees have the option of receiving overtime pay and retention bonuses. Many, but not all, TAGs and Governors are against the conversion because they fear increased cost burden and decreased authority over dual-status technicians. Key members and staff in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are in favor of the proposal.

The EANGUS National Office understands that it is likely DOD will ask for an extension for its final report. Until the final report, with an implementation plan, is released, it is too early for EANGUS to weigh-in on this issue. EANGUS will continue to fight for TRICARE Reserve Select and retention bonuses regardless of this outcome.

EANGUS Signs Support Letter for Servicemember Retirement Improvement Legislation

Over the past several months, the EANGUS National Office worked with the staff of Representative Johnson (R-TX) to introduce HR 4381 Servicemember Retirement Improvement Act. This bill would stop the IRS from stifling Guard or Reserve service members’ ability to save for their retirement. Beginning in 2018, individuals entering the National Guard will receive government-matched retirement contributions in their Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts. Current tax code limits all individuals under the age of 55 to contributing $18,000 toward their retirement each year. Future members of the National Guard, who max out their employer-contributed retirement account, could lose out on their government-matched TSP accounts. HR 4381 would allow members of the National Guard to max out their employer-contributed retirement account and their government-matched TSP account. Please click here to read our support letter.

Coalition Update: The Military Coalition (TMC) Guard and Reserves Committee

The TMC Guard and Reserves Committee finalized its 2016 legislative priorities. EANGUS and other key staff members from coalition partners will begin meeting Legislators to advocate for health care reform, financial training, veteran status, and improved transition counseling.

  • Health Care Reform:  Evaluate DOD and other proposals to reform health care and Guard-Reserve coverage for options that must include these principles: a) continuity of care, b) affordability, c) simplification, and d) access to all health care programs for all RC members.
  • Financial Training:  Ensure development and implementation of a robust financial education program for G-R members who will be under the blended retirement system beginning in 2018 and urge Congress to review and resolve inequities resulting from TSP contributions and matching for Reservists and Guard members who train for points only.
  • Increase National Guard and Reserve Operation Readiness by improving transition in counseling and behavioral health services and disability rating processing and strengthening reemployment, legal and financial protections, (SCRA, forced arbitration, etc.) for Guard and Reserve members, and by ensuring adequate personnel strengths and associated funding for Reserve components in order to meet national security strategy requirements.