The National Guard Relief Foundation is Hiring!

National Guard Relief Foundation (NGRF) May 30, 2024 Announcement is made of a contract position opportunity with the EANGUS We Care for America Foundation, Inc., dba the National Guard Relief Foundation (NGRF)  POSITION TITLE: Director SALARY: Salary will be commensurate with the knowledge and experience of the selectee and based on the provisions contained in

Nominations are open for the ESGR Freedom Award

NOMINATE YOUR EMPLOYER Submissions are now being accepted for the 2024 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award.  ESGR’s awards program culminates with the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award (ESFA), the highest recognition given by the U.S. Government to employers for their outstanding support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve. Each

National Guard Relief Foundation

The EANGUS We Care for America Foundation, also known as the National Guard Relief Foundation, is the 501c(3) charitable arm of EANGUS. WCFA-NGRF can provide emergency financial assistance (Grants and Interest-Free Loans) to the men and women of the National Guard and their families who have a verified emergency need. Assistance can be provided to

Typhoon Mawar – Support for Guam

  Guam continues to clean up after Typhoon Mawar slammed into the small Pacific island on May 24th. The estimated sustained winds of 140 mph destroyed homes, flipped cars and resulted in significant flooding. While members of the Guam National Guard responded to the widespread devastation, at least a dozen had their own homes destroyed

#Giving Tuesday

  #Giving Tuesday is a day when people everywhere come together to do something to support the causes and communities that mean so much to all of us. The cause that means a lot to us here at EANGUS, is the WCFA National Guard Relief Foundation. Can we count on you to make a donation

Donate now to help National Guard Families affected by the Hurricanes

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