Brief on the International Criminal Court’s Threat to US Service Members and Veterans

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is offering to provide TMC members a briefing on new and concerning developments regarding the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) efforts to investigate U.S. service members and veterans for alleged war crimes relating to Afghanistan. FDD is a nonpartisan and nonprofit think tank that supports U.S. national security and our

Memorandum on Providing Continued Federal Support for Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Facilitate Economic Recovery

Presidential Memorada Washington D.C.   MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY SUBJECT:       Providing Continued Federal Support for Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Facilitate Economic Recovery By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States

What jobs are trending right now?

Though the U.S. economy started the year strong, things began to look less optimistic for job seekers as the coronavirus crisis gained momentum. Job postings on ZipRecruiter’s online employment marketplace were on the rise until Feb. 17. Since then, we have seen a 14% overall decrease. But there are some positive trends. The number of

Iranian Hackers targeting Veteran Job Seekers

National Guard Advisory:  AD-19-21 Iranian Hackers Target US Military Personnel The above link is to an advisory from the National Guard Bureau, sharing information about a job seeking website that will install malicious software onto a visitor’s device. National Guard members looking for job placement assistance should visit our Corporate Partner (who specifically helps National

CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency

The Pentagon’s Defense Suicide Prevention Office released some troubling statistics recently in their fourth-quarter suicide report for CY 2018. A total of 325 active-duty service members died by their hand in 2018, surpassing the previously recorded number of 321 in 2012. Combating the problem of suicide has been a challenge throughout the department, and as

Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2018

Congressional Call to Action The Enlisted Association of the National Guard (EANGUS) published an Op-Ed in the Military Times decrying the recent move by The Department of Educations to remove important data from the College Scorecard.  This move also negatively impacted the G.I. Bill Comparison Tool, hindering the Tool’s ability to provide Student Veterans with