EANGUS Signs Reserve Component Retirement Letter

EANGUS signs coalition letter in time for the House and Senate conferees to consider the FY16 NDAA. In addition to supporting RC retirement annuity, the coalition letter addresses support for the House-passed NDAA retirement provisions.


Congress must ensure that any new military retirement system is robust enough to maintain the all-volunteer force and demonstrate the country’s incredible support for our troops. As you resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of the NDAA, we urge you to repeal the COLA penalty, allow Reserve Component members the option to receive their retirement annuity earlier, provide a one percent contribution to service members’ TSP accounts upon entry into service, a five percent government matching contribution to TSP accounts starting at the third year of service, and continue contributing to the service members’ end of service.

As a National Defense Authorization Act conferee, we urge you to create a robust military retirement system that maintains the overall value of the current retirement system.

Please click here to read the coalition letter