TRICARE Reserve Select

TRICARE Reserve Select is: A premium-based plan Available worldwide For qualified Selected Reserve members and their families If purchased, TRICARE Reserve Select meets or exceeds the requirements for minimum essential coverageThe Affordable Care Act requires you to maintain basic health care coverage—called minimum essential coverage. If you don’t have minimum essential coverage, you may have to pay a

2016 BAH Rates Announced

From the Defense Travel Management Office: The Department of Defense has released the 2016 Basic Allowance for Housing rates. Basic Allowance for Housing rates will increase an average of 3.4 percent when the new rates take effect on January 1, 2016. An estimated $21 billion will be paid to approximately one million Service members. On

CNGB Support for Military Organizations Letter

State Associations: Please see attached letter of support for professional organizations signed by GEN Frank Grass. If you have specific questions regarding the letter, please contact the office of the SEA. MITCHELL O. BRUSH, CMSgt, USAF Senior Enlisted Advisor National Guard Office: 703-614-3091 DSN: 224-3091 Cell: 703-362-5239 CNGB Letter of Support for Professional Organizations  

Hearing: EANGUS to Testify on “Stakeholder Views on Military Health Care”

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 10:30 AM ET, Scott Bousum, EANGUS Legislative Director will testify before the House Armed Services Committee’s Military Personnel Subcommittee during the “Stakeholder Perspectives on Military Healthcare” hearing. Representative of the Military Officers Association (MOAA) and the National Military Families Association (NMFA) will also testify. Click here to watch the

Help EANGUS National Office prepare Congressional Testimony: Take the Reserve Component Access and Quality of Healthcare Survey

On Thursday, December 3, 2015, EANGUS will testify before the House Armed Services Committee’s Military Personnel Subcommittee during the “Stakeholder Perspectives on Military Healthcare” hearing. A link for EANGUS members to follow the hearing online will be provided when available. EANGUS continues to be well positioned to provide the Enlisted Guard’s voice on the most

2016 Military Child of the Year Nominations

Nominations for the 2016 Military Child of the Year® are being accepted online at  through Dec. 11. Awardees will be recognized in April 2016. This award is presented to an outstanding child from each branch of service – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard – and the National Guard. The recipients each receive a

Senators to Army Panel: Think Guard

Forty-seven senators from both sides of the aisle have reminded the National Commission on the Future of the Army of the important role played by the reserve components and want commissioners to consider that role as they prepare their report for Congress and the president. The bipartisan group of senators signed a letter delivered last